Conservation Architects Oxford

Restoring Thame’s Heritage: KODA Architects Lead Conservation Efforts for Fire-Damaged Grade II Listed Cottage

KODA Architects have been appointed to as Conservation Architects Oxford.

Towards the end of 2023, fire broke out in this beautiful thatched property in the heart of Oxfordshire. The fire quickly spread through the 13th Century roof structure and thatched roof as well as the neighbouring property. Yet, thanks to the quick response and dedication of Oxfordshire Fire Brigade, complete loss was of the 13th Century Cottages has been averted. Their swift intervention prevented the fire from spreading further, salvaging what could have been an irretrievable loss.

In the wake of this incident, KODA Architects have been appointed as Conservation Architects for the cottage’s restoration. Appointed as lead Conservation Architects Oxford, their mission extends beyond mere repair. It’s a commitment to resurrecting the cottage to its former glory, meticulously recording surviving historic fabric as a testament to its enduring legacy.

The team at KODA Architects approaches this task with reverence, aiming to retain as much of the original structure as possible. Elements like the 13th-century cruck frame, steeped in historical significance, will be safeguarded to ensure the cottage retains its authentic character and narrative.

The repair and restoration of this Grade II listed medieval cottage further extends KODA architects portfolio of working closely with clients and other stakeholders. Further projects showcases exceptional projects, from the restoration of Royal George House in Monmouth to the meticulous repair work at St. Michael and All Angels Church, in Herefordshire.

This restoration endeavor signifies more than reconstruction; it’s a revival of history, a tribute to Thame’s architectural heritage, and a testament to the resilience of preserving our collective past.


Church reordering Architects

Transforming St. Mary’s Church: KODA Architects to Lead Grade II* Reordering Project

Brecon’s St. Mary’s Church is poised for a remarkable makeover as KODA Architects takes the reins of an ambitious revitalisation project. The appointment of KODA Architects to oversee the church reordering initiative aligns seamlessly with the aspirations outlined in ‘The Beacon Project,’ aimed at reimagining historical spaces to meet the diverse needs of communities in the 21st century.

The primary goal of ‘The Beacon Project’ is to transform St. Mary’s Church into a dynamic hub for the community, breaking traditional barriers and expanding its role beyond religious services. This ambitious endeavor seeks to restructure the church’s layout, making it more accessible and adaptable for a multitude of community-centric purposes.

At its core, ‘The Beacon Project’ articulates several key objectives highlighted on the official website. Enhancing accessibility stands as a paramount focus. The project aims to create a welcoming environment, ensuring that everyone, regardless of mobility challenges, can partake in the church’s offerings.

In line with contemporary architectural trends, the initiative envisions a harmonious blend of historical integrity and modern functionality. KODA Architects, renowned for their expertise in adaptive reuse and preservation, are set to infuse the church with innovative design solutions. Their mission is to maintain the church’s historical charm while integrating versatile spaces conducive to various community activities.

The selection of KODA Architects for this pivotal project underscores a commitment to precision planning and forward-thinking design. Their expertise in reimagining heritage structures to meet contemporary needs positions them perfectly to navigate the complexities of this historical restoration, ensuring St. Mary’s Church stands as a beacon of architectural innovation and community engagement.

As Church reordering architects we are proud of our past achievements and initiatives, like the one at St. Mary’s Church, exemplify the evolution of historical spaces into vibrant community assets. These projects recognise the intrinsic value of adapting heritage buildings to serve as inclusive spaces that foster social cohesion and cultural exchange.

As St. Mary’s Church embarks on this transformative journey, the collaboration with KODA Architects signifies a profound commitment to preserving history while embracing the future. Stay tuned for updates on the progress of this landmark endeavor, as Brecon witnesses the resurrection of St. Mary’s Church as a cornerstone of community life.

For further details on ‘The Beacon Project,’ visit the [St. Mary’s Church official website](

Class Q Barn Conversion Success

Class Q Barn Conversion Granted in Herefordshire

KODA architects have been successful with a Class Q Barn Conversion proposal in rural Herefordshire. Working closely with TT Planning and Kytex Structural Engineers, the design team have designed a contemporary bolt hole in the Herefordshire countryside.

Originally a farm store, the barn had fallen out of use, too small for modern farming uses. Planning permission was granted to convert this delightful little barn into a highly contemporary bolt hole with fabulous views over the countryside. Working with the existing structure, existing openings were glazed, maximising light as well as views in the main living area whilst at a contrast, the rest areas are more enclosed. 

Space is maximised within the building with introducing a new mezzanine floor providing additonal bedroom accommodation over the main living space. 

The barn was recently sold and we look forward to see this smalll but mighty barn come into fruition soon onsite. We can’t wait to show the final result. 



Church Repairs Finished

Church Repairs Reach Completion

KODA architects conservation architect, has been working closely with Treasure and Sons of Ludlow in the careful repair and conservation of Grade I listed St. Michael and All Angels Church in Kingsland. This month, the works came to the end of the defect period which is a period, meaning the building has been back open to the community again following the repairs for a whole 12 months. The intensive repairs works saw the re-roofing of the nave and north aisle, repointing, as well as internal redecoration and stained glass repairs. New forest of dean stone has been skilfully carved throughout to include three new gargoyles as well as ridge crosses and copings. 

St. Michael and All Angels Church was constructed in the 14th Century with later alterations in the 15th and 16th Centuries. The building is Grade I listed and has very fine medieval glazing featured in the chancel, north and south aisles. The chancel features a very ornate painted wagon vaulted ceiling which was installed as part of the restoration by GF Bodley in 1866-68. The building features fine stone carving throughout with a number of gargoyles, grotesques and label stops, which is great to see.

The works were funded by the National Heritage Lottery Fund and others. It was the largest funded project by the NHLF in the region to a total of £600,000.00. The project formed a flagship project for the NHLF to inform how the organisation funded projects moving forward.

We are enormously proud of this project and the dedication by all has been showcased by the craftsmanship throughout. Check out our project page for more information and for lots of in progress and completed photographs. 


KODA Architects Monmouth Appointed to Repair Listed Fire Damaged Building

KODA Architects Monmouth Appointed to Repair a Listed Fire Damaged Building

KODA architects have been appointed to carry out repairs to a severely fire damaged building in the centre of Monmouth. The end of September usually brings the beginning of autumn, however it also brought significant damage to this grade ii* listed Georgian Townhouse in the centre of Monmouth. 

Fire crews were called to the scene to tackle a blaze which was spreading through the 18th century timber roof structure of the townhouse. The building had been scaffolded to allow redecorating works but the team painting the building were using heat guns to help strip away layers of previous paint. Usually hot works, such as heat guns, are not permitted on sites, however this wasn’t the case here. Quickly the fire was out of control and all the painting team could do was to raise the alarm. 

Thankfully all the occupants of the building were able to evacuate without injury which is a combination of the quick response by the fire brigade and the early warning. Within a few hours the the fire was contained and under control but causing extensive damage to the building.

This week, KODA architects were appointed to oversee the stabilisation and consolidation of the existing building. KODAs Conservation Architects are working closely with the contractors to ensure what surviving historic fabric is accurately recorded before the structure is made safe.  The immediate works will include the building being fully scaffolded with a temporary roof preventing any further water ingress. 

Once the existing building is protected and made safe, KODA will move onto the reinstatement of the existing building. The previous building layout will be enhanced and architectural features will be carefully conserved and reinstated. As part of the works, surviving historic fabric will be carefully consolidated and retained with new materials being carefully chosen alongside. 

We will be posting on our social media about the progress of this detailed work so connect with our Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn pages for more information. 

Can a Water Tower be a House?

KODA Architects Hereford have developed proposals to convert a former water tower in Worcestershire into a new house

KODA Architects in Hereford have been working up proposals to convert a former water tower to a large family home overlooking the Malvern Hills in rural Worcestershire. 

The water tower was built during the Edwardian period and occupies a dominant location in the flat surrounding landscape. Tanks once filled with sand and lime filtered the water, making it safe for drinking, before a gravity fed system once supplied water to near by villages. 

The site became redundant since the advent of a pressurised water systems across the country and has since laid dormant. In the drawing board, this week, KODA architects have been looking at how this surviving utilitarian structure may be converted to accommodated a new family with expansive views over the Worcestershire Countryside. 

KODA architects have explored retaining the mass of the original water filtration tanks and providing a subservient super structure. The aim is to maximise the views out in the first floor whilst retaining as much of the original structure as possible. 

Using the mass of the filtration tanks, the lower ground level has a mass which grounds the proposal to its surroundings. On top, a new light weight super structure is proposed with glazing to take full advantage of the surrounding landscape.

Main living areas of sitting room, snug and kitchen are located on the first floor which has an open and light feeling, taking full advantage of the outstanding views over the Worcestershire countryside and to the Malvern Hills. Adding to this contrast, KODA architects have employed light-weight materials to including timber cladding and glass to differentiate between super structure and rusticated lower ground floor. A projecting zinc roof structure, which is under drawn in a rich red cherry cladding, sheltering the large expanses of glazing from the summer sunshine and the surrounding terrace. 

At a contrast to the superstructure, the bedrooms, evening sitting room and back of house areas are grounded within the massing and bulk of the filtration tanks and bunded structure. This reflects a change in pace from day to day activities to evening routines and a need for a more confined and soothing environment whilst at night. 

To minimise landscape impact, a three bay garage, studio and driveway are sunken into the landscape. The garage structure is topped with a wild flower meadow. To the south a lap pool offers an interesting opportunity for reflections on the waters surfacewhilst you relax on the evening terrace.

Keep up to date with all things happening at KODA architects through our website and Instagram pages. 

We are enormously proud of this proposal and we are looking forward to seeing the finished article onsite, hopefully very soon.

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Sign up to our Newsletter

Sign up to our news letter – we have news to share…

This year has already been a busy one for us at KODA architects and its set to get ever busier. To keep you up to date with what’s going on, we are in the process of developing our first newsletter which we plan will be issued out regularly. We love showing you what we have been up to with our exciting new projects both onsite and what is on the the drawing board. 

We already have our Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest boards displaying the best of KODA architects have to offer, but we want more. This year is going to be another exciting year, with several large projects starting onsite we are planning to bring you behind the scenes of what happens on a building site as well as showcasing what is in development in the office. This year, KODA architects are expanding our portfolio as well as our team and the services we offer. 

Sign up for our regular newsletter below to keep in up to date in what we are up to at KODA architects

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KODA appointed for Detailed Design at Dinham Hall, Ludlow

We’re excited to share with you that KODA architects are appointed to carry out detailed design at Dinham Hall in Ludlow

Dinham Hall is Grade II listed and is just located just outside Ludlow Castle walls. Built in c1792, by Samuel Nash for Richard Payne Knight of Downton Castle, the building has a long and interesting history, once a grand private home. The building was converted into a boarding school with fond memories and more recently a boutique hotel boasting fine dining, to critical acclaim.

KODA architects are appointed to carry out the planning and designed design to see this fine building converted into seven high spec apartments.

As part of historic interventions to the property, the building has lost a significant amount of historic detailing including coving, fireplaces and finer details such as architraves and doors. As part of the new conversion project, the conservation team at KODA architects propose to reinstate historically accurate features to enhance the buildings significance, allowing the building to serve to new purpose. KODA conservation team are complimented by a wider design team including agent, fire design, lift manufacturers tanking specialists, surveyors and mechanical and electrical engineers. One of the first appointments is the to have a full measured and topographic survey of the building and plot to carefully detail repairs and new interventions to the historic fabric. 

New apartments will have generous accommodation with lift access and use of the grand central staircase. Each unit will boast private parking and amenity space together with long reaching views over Ludlow, countryside and of course, the adjacent grade I listed and scheduled ancient monument of Ludlow Castle.

As the project progresses through detailed design, we will keep you updated with our progress. Stay turned through our new newsletters and other media platforms including: Instagram, Facebook LinkedIn and Pinterest boards 

Sign up for our regular newsletter here to keep in up to date in what we are up to at KODA architects


Bastion Mews Planning Application Submitted

KODA Architects are excited for new proposals at Bastion Mews

KODA architects an excited to announce that the planning application for an exciting new mixed use development at Bastion Mews was submitted to Herefordshire Council. Working closely with the wider design team, KODA architects have used the industrial aesthetic to develop a mixed use scheme using shipping containers as a base. The proposal is flexible which allows the building to be adapted and changed as the site evolves, it including independent offices, temporary accommodation and a new restaurant.

Bastion Mews Hereford is encircled by the Hereford City Wall which was constructed in the 13th Century by Royal decree. The site, Bastion Mews, is named after the defensive bastion which once stood at the site and protected nearby city gate. The site has had many uses in a vibrant history with the latest use being home to Shack Revolution and more recently, Bastion Street Feast. Quickly gaining a local reputation for great quality street food and a buzzing atmosphere the team at Shack Event have made it a huge success for the City. 

The industrial aesthetic of the site is the main visual underpinning of the design but supplemented and softened with planting and punctuation with oak cladding. The proposals have been submitted for Planning and we hope to be onsite this summer.

Part of the underpinning philosophy of the sites redevelopment a diversity of uses and users. This multi use ideal elaborates on the ethos of the highly successful Bastion Street Feast where different street food vendors pitch up their stalls and sell their high quality food in a sharing and collaborative atmosphere. The masterplan calls for a mixture of live work units as well as recreational areas and amenity space in this highly sustainable location on the edge of the City Center. Complimenting the existing uses of the site, the new proposals are testament to 21st Century design, innovative and flexible to allow them to be easily changed should the site need to in the future

For more information, check out our Portfolio Pages for this and other projects.

conservation architects hereford

Heritage Lottery Funding Awarded

KODA Architects Hereford are proud to announce that £600,000.00 of Heritage Lottery Funding has been awarded for extensive church repairs in Herefordshire.

Over the past 18 months, KODAs Conservation Architects in Hereford have been working closely with St. Michael and All Angels church in Kingsland and we can now say with pride that over £600,000 has been awarded to fund the extensive repairs to this fine Grade I listed, St. Michael and All Angels church.

The majority of the funding has been awarded from The Heritage Lottery Fund but the total is from the success of numerous applications to several funders. Repair works were scheduled to include reroofing the nave and side aisle as well as extensive repointing and stone repairs. Over the past few years, the roof has decayed to a point where water is now entering the building which in turn causes further problems to the historic fabric. 

KODAs conservation architects in Hereford have worked closely with the PCC to maximise the repairs and funding available to make this building more welcoming to the congregation it serves. Internally, the building is to be redecorated with enhanced lighting to maximise and highlight the space inside. 

Where we could, we have taken the opportunity to enhance  the buildings significance through reintroduction of missing gargoyles. For a number of years the gargoyles to the tower have been missing and all that remains are eroded stumps.

The works are set to commence onsite in the spring / summer and we look forward to keeping you updated as the project continues.