Expansion of Equestrian Business Approved
The expansion of equestrian business and
holiday cabins approved in Herefordshire
In association with Moule and Co., our scheme to provide 3 new log holiday cabins as part of the expansion of an equestrian business in rural Herefordshire has been approved. The scheme also includes a new outdoor arena and additional car parking allowing the applicants to develope their growing business.
The location holds a prominent position in the landscape, KODA Architects scheme is designed to reduce its landscape impact but also shield new horse arena from the prevailing winds.
The location offers exceptional views of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire landscape including the Malvern Hills and British Camp. The site makes the most of the abundance of local footpaths and bridle ways for the guests to enjoy by foot or horseback.
The expansion of Equestrian Business and Holiday Cabins will allow Tipton Hall Riding School to appeal to a much greater number of visitors and give the added attraction of being able to stay over night in this beautiful location. Tipton Hall will now be able to host equestrian events drawing further visitors to the area.
The application was unanimously supported and adheres to the principles of Herefordshire Councils Policy RA6. It sets out the conditions under which the Council will be supportive of proposals, which help to diversify the rural economy and generate employment. This includes both sustainable tourism proposals of an appropriate scale.
The cabins will also be built by a local carpenter who will fell, prepare the cedar logs and build the cabins on site. We will be follow the progress and giving updates via our social media.
View from the new holiday cabins