We Are Recruiting!

Part II Architectural Assistant Job Vacancy

This week, KODA architects Hereford celebrated its two year birthday and with a developing portfolio of work, we now have a Part II Architectural Assistant Job Vacancy. KODA architects was established in February 2019 and since this time, we have seen a wide range of growth in all project sectors. We specialise in heritage works, with a contemporary edge. We currently have a number of interesting and exciting projects in the pipeline which are set to come online over the summer months. We are a dynamic, design-led architects practice based in Hereford and due to significant practice growth we are recruiting for a Part II Architectural AssistantThe ideal candidate will have experience in the residential, commercial and developer led sectors. Some experience in the heritage sector would be beneficial but not essential.

This is an excellent opportunity for a determined and ambitious individual to learn and gain responsibility within a dynamic practice. 

Excellent communication and presentation skills are required together with a positive can do attitude. You should have strong technical knowledge together with good creative flair as you will be working on both the design and delivery stages of projects. This is an opportunity for an individual, who has attention to detail, is able to take initiative and work comfortably within the existing team.   

If you would like a fantastic opportunity to join a fast paced, growing practice with exceptional team members then please send your CV and covering letter to  info@kodaarchitects.com together with a sample portfolio. We will offer the right candidate the chance to work on high quality, design led projects together with work in other sectors the opportunity to develop their skill set over time and a remuneration package will be reflective of experience and skill set.

Closing date for applications is 15th March 2021.

Check out our INSTAGRAM page to see what we’ve been up to in out first two years. 

New houses in Herefordshire

Working with English Heritage & Amazon at Stokesay Castle

KODA architects in Hereford are working closely with English Heritage and Amazon Prime at Stokesay Castle in Shropshire

This week, KODA architects Hereford has carried out a schedule of condition at the grade I listed and scheduled ancient monument of Stokesay Castle in South Shropshire ahead of the site being closed to the public until May for the filing of a period drama by Amazon Prime.

The production which is set in the medieval period is set to be aired later this year. Before the production team could move in and dress the set, a full schedule of condition was required to safeguard the historic fabric against damage. 

Stokesay Castle was constructed at the end of the 13th century by Laurence of Ludlow, who at the time was one of the richest men in England. It remains a treasure by-passed by time, one of the best places to visit in England to experience what medieval life was like. The great hall has remained  unchanged for over 700 years and is a fine example of construction with spectacular medieval roof timbers. Perhaps the most characterful addition to the complex is the 17th-century gatehouse with fine decorative timber carving. The castle is set within breathtaking views of the Shropshire Hills

The gate house, although characterful was built much later and would not fit the medieval setting of the drama, neither did the 21st century reception or WCs. Therefore the production team had to this carefully about how to hide this interventions from the finished article. 

We are eagerly waiting for the screening of the new drama. Watch this space!

Stokesay Castle

Appointed as advisor to Gloucester DAC

KODAs Conservation Architect has been appointed as advisor to Gloucester Diocese Advisory Committee.

Formally appointed by the Bishop of Gloucester last summer, KODAs Conservation Architect Fred Hamer joins Gloucester Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) as an advisor.

The Diocesan Advisory Committee is comprised of members and advisors from many sectors and specialisms. The group comprise members of clergy, architects, surveyors, technical members such as structural engineers, M&E consultants and others. Their role is to advise churches through church re-ordering and church repair projects and advise them on the best practice.

Gloucester Diocese has a wide and long reaching area and within such a wide variety of buildings, ranging from brick built Victorian churches with strong axial focuses eastwards and to the high alter to quaint Cotswold Stone chapels with Medieval paintings and less formal liturgical layouts. 

The challenges faced by churches today are more apparent with ever decreasing congregations and ever increasing repair and maintenance costs. KODAs Conservation architects in Gloucester have a wide range of experience working with churches and PCCs across the country to bring about careful and sensitive way. KODA architects are working with a number of churches across the region, check out our church reordering helpful guides. 

This furthers KODA architects commitment to preserving and carefully adapting our built heritage. Working with heritage instead of seeing it as a hinderance, brings about more meaningful architecture, one which is routed in a forgotten age. 

KODA architects celebrates turning 2 years old

KODA architects Hereford celebrates its second year in business 

KODA architects today celebrates their second year in business and is looking forward to another year working closely with existing and new clients across the region.

During our second year, the range of projects we saw in our first year continued with work including many residential, ecclesiastical, conservation and repair projects as well as a number of commercial and developer led proposals. This year, whilst a difficult  year in terms of the wide spreading pandemic, we saw the start and completion of projects onsite with numerous planning and listed building consents awarded.  The team at KODA architects have been working closely with contractors and other specialists to continue as normal process as possible during difficult conditions.  A number of our projects are listed on the portfolio page of our website but we look forward to showcasing some of new projects very soon.

KODA architect conservation architect Fred Hamer said: 

“Our second year has been a great success and we have been lucky to have such a wide range of projects.We have developed and made new relationships throughout the year and are looking forward to developing on these in the forthcoming new year”

This year there has been a hive of activity on a number of sites throughout the region as KODA architects are acting as contract administrators. We have more exciting projects in the pipeline, which will share with you when we’re onsite.  Stay tuned to our Instagram page as we follow the progress of these projects until completion. 


Construction Starts in Worcestershire

KODA architects are excited that construction has started in Worcestershire after detailed design

Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent was obtaining last year for the renovation of this fine 16th Century timber framed cottage in Worcestershire. The grade II listed cottage occupies a prominent location in a village near Pershore and once housed staff who assisted with running the nearby country estate. The cottage is one of the original buildings in the village, only outdated by the neighbouring church

Following a building regulations and detailed design stage by KODA architects, the main contractor took possession of the site in late November last year. The work is proceeding well onsite with a new Party Wall being constructed, replacing a substandard separation and the wider cottage renovations are well under way. KODA architects are working closely with the main contractor and wider design team to deliver the high quality renovation and extension on the edge of the Cotswolds.

Repairs to the 16th Century timber frame cottage are a significant part of the project as well as upgrading the terms, efficiency and services within the building. A large, open plan extension to the rear will house a new open plan kitchen and living area with large bi-folding doors overlooking the south facing garden. KODA architects are appointed to oversee the construction works together with the project manager and will be regularly visiting site over the course of 2021. We regularly update our social media feeds, so stay tuned for progress onsite and the big unveiling of the extension. We will be regularly keeping you up to date with this project through out Extension in Worcestershire portfolio page. 

We cant wait! 

Architects Worcester
equestrian holiday cabins Herefordshire

Expansion of Equestrian Business Approved

The expansion of equestrian business and 

holiday cabins approved in Herefordshire

In association with Moule and Co., our scheme to provide 3 new log holiday cabins as part of the expansion of an equestrian business in rural Herefordshire has been approved. The scheme also includes a new outdoor arena and additional car parking allowing the applicants to develope their growing business. 

The location holds a prominent position in the landscape, KODA Architects scheme is designed to reduce its landscape impact but also shield new horse arena from the prevailing winds. 

The location offers exceptional views of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire landscape including the Malvern Hills and British Camp.  The site makes the most of the abundance of local footpaths and bridle ways for the guests to enjoy by foot or horseback. 

The expansion of Equestrian Business and Holiday Cabins will allow Tipton Hall Riding School to appeal to a much greater number of visitors and give the added attraction of being able to stay over night in this beautiful location. Tipton Hall will now be able to host equestrian events drawing further visitors to the area. 

The application was unanimously supported and adheres to the principles of Herefordshire Councils Policy RA6. It sets out the conditions under which the Council will be supportive of proposals, which help to diversify the rural economy and generate employment. This includes both sustainable tourism proposals of an appropriate scale.

The cabins will also be built by a local carpenter who will fell, prepare the cedar logs and build the cabins on site. We will be follow the progress and giving updates via our social media

KODA architects remains open

KODA architects Hereford are open:

KODA architects are committed to the wellbeing and protection of our clients, suppliers, colleagues and staff during these difficult and unprecedented times.

The developing global situation has affected every member of society with restrictions put on our day-to-day activities. With the challenging environment many, who are able, have set up home offices to carry on working. KODA architects are happy to announce that we continue to deliver projects to our customers and are working from their home offices.

With the Prime Minister, Boris Johnston, announcing this week that the UK will be on lockdown, we are therefore limited in what we are able to do. However, we are keeping up to date with our clients and how this affects them during these difficult times.

We hope that normal service will resume shortly but in the meantime we are continuing meetings via online video conferencing, emails, telephone and through our various social media platforms.

We will shortly be posting a blog post on how this affects building contracts and onsite works so check out our news page shortly.

Stay safe, stay indoors and look after each other.

For more information on the current situation please see .GOV website.

koda architects hereford

KODA architects celebrates turning 1yr old

KODA architects Hereford celebrates its first year in business 

KODA architects today celebrates their first year in business and is looking forward to another year working closely with existing and new clients across the region.

During our first year, we have been lucky to work on quite a range of projects across the region including many residential, ecclesiastical, conservation and repair projects as well as a number of commercial and developer led proposals. A number of our past projects are list on the portfolio page of our website but we look forward to showcasing some of new projects very soon.

KODA architect conservation architect Fred Hamer said: 

“Our first year has been a great success and we have really have established a foothold for an architects practice in Herefordshire, Cheltenham and Worcestershire, as well as Monmouthshire and Shropshire too. We have developed and made new relationships throughout the year and are looking forward to developing on these in the forthcoming new year”

This year we have been busy working on a number of projects through planning and technical drawing stage. We have been working closely with a number of other professionals. Next year sets to bring a hive of activity on a number of sites throughout the region as KODA architects are acting as contract administrators. Stay tuned to our Instagram page as we follow the progress of these projects until completion. 


barn conversion herefordshire

Barn Conversion in Herefordshire

Barn Conversion in Herefordshire

Its is always lovely to make the final inspections in completed projects particularly this Barn Conversion in Herefordshire. When a project is completed, its both a joyous occasion but a sad one also. At KODA we like to work closely with out clients and as a result, we build great relationships with people and the end of the project brings this to a close. But its not all doom and gloom, the client is left with a building or and extension which they have been heavily involved with throughout each stage and we as Architects, get to see the satisfaction of our clients.

This Barn Conversion in Herefordshire adds to KODA architects portfolio of barn conversions in the region. Working in a such a rural community as Herefordshire, Shropshire, Worcester and Gloucestershire, barns are numerous and are regularly seen on a journey through the countryside. But many of them are uses for what they were first intended – as barns.

Adapting these building can be a challenge, as they were never intended to be a home. In their adaption and conversion we are challenged to retain the essence of a barn which usually but not always a open and lofty space for the storage of large equipment or food. This becomes at odds when forming small, domestic scale rooms such as bathrooms, bedrooms and cupboards. 

Working with the existing and maximising all then opportunities the site and building can offer, KODA architects work closely with clients and other professionals to achieve a successful outcome. 

The Barn Conversion in Herefordshire we recently visited as suffering from some structural collapse and movement. This prompted and justified the removal of a large section of the gable wall and a new contemporary oak framed extension. The extension, whilst rare in barn conversions, not just in Hereford, provides a contrasting space between the old, thick walled stone barn to the light and open extension.

As we make our regular inspections of our projects and love to keep our clients updated with our progress. As a result, we keep our Instagram page updated regularly: https://www.instagram.com/kodaarchitects/

For more information on this project, as well as more photographs, see our portfolio page: https://kodaarchitects.com/portfolio/barn-conversion-herefordshire/


Architects Worcestershire

Planning Permission Granted in Worcestershire

Planning permission granted in Worcestershire, KODA architects are proud to report. The worked include extensive repair of a 16th Century timber framed cottage as well as a significant open plan extension to the rear of the property. 

The property was built in the 16th Century, around the time of the Tudors. At this time, most of the properties in the country were formed of timber framed houses, often with a number of families living together. The small two and two down property has undergone some significant alterations in its life with much of the roof being replaced. However, with the original carpenters still evident on the frame, the building has an excellent storey to tell. Being grade II listed, the building has been at the forefront of village life since being built. The site occupies a key location within the village and conservation area.

Over the period of 400 years, the original timber frame has been altered and following an inspection by conservation architect, Fred Hamer, it was found that the sole plate to the timber frame had been cut in a number of places to allow for new door ways or just where it has rotted away. As a result, the timber frame was displaying signed of movement and KODA architects repairs include reinstatement of the missing frame and new works to prevent this structural monvement progressing. 

The works are currently progressing through the technical drawing stages where the final elements are being detailed. KODA architects are working closely with other consultants such as structural engineers and contractors to help realise the clients brief.  

Having listed building consent and planning permission granted in Worcestershire is excellent and KODA architects have worked very closely with our client. The next step is to discharge any planning conditions and progress through tendering and onto onsite works. 

As we make our regular inspections throughout the building, to keep up to date, visit our Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/kodaarchitects/

to find out more about our new project or our process, check out our private residential guidance page at: https://kodaarchitects.com/private-clients/