Architects in Cheltenham

Extension in Cheltenham

As Architects, working in the Regency City of Cheltenham is pleasure. Architecture in Cheltenham is described as one of the most complete Regency towns in England. The architecture is a direct result of their time, when Britain was leading the world and when the City prospered from riches across one of the world’s biggest empires.

This regency villa was built in the mid 19th Century and is grade II listed. Located in the central conservation area, one of the largest areas in the country, it one of many villa style properties. Adding the grandeur of the property, the villa property is located on one of the many line the tree lined avenues which were formally set out in the mid 1830s. As architects working in Cheltenham, any changes we propose to a heritage asset either internally or externally we are careful in our proposals to considered to manage the impact on the significance of the building. 

The team at KODA architects carried out a measured survey of the building which allows us to understand how the site and the building has developed and been adapted over time. From this investigation, we found that a number of years after construction, an extension was added to the rear which has been altered to suit the previous owner’s needs. This area is where we are proposing some changes, watch this space for more news on this exciting architectural interventions in Cheltenham.

working with the building, we are set to propose the careful repair of this important heritage asset together with the small scale interventions to improve and enhance the building, adapting it for modern family life.

The team at KODA architects have a track record of working in Cheltenham and this foundation allows us to know the how the town has developed and the significance of the buildings which inhabit it.

For more information on this exciting new project, get in touch with us