Quinquennial Inspection Worcester | Worcestershire
KODAs architects conservation architect Fred Hamer has carried out a Quinquennial inspection Worcester of this fine mainly 17th Century church in rural Worcestershire. Built in the 12th Century, the church of St. Mary dominates the small settlement of Hanley Castle in Worcestershire. The church has undergone a number of alterations throughout its history including remodelling in 13th and 14th Centuries. In the English Civil war however, the church was used to house the kings horses and following a devastating fire, the building was rebuilt in the 17th Century in a modern material for the time, red brick. Some Norman architectural features survive of the previous iterations of the building which can be seen on exterior of the south nave wall. The building was later restored by notable Victorian Architect George Edmund Street in 1858 and boasts some very fine medieval and later stained glass.
Dominating the building is the large brick tower complete with sandstone embrasures and brick lined staircase. KODA Architects conservation architects Fred Hamer has recently carried out the quinquennial inspection and is the inspecting Architect in Worcester for St. Mary's Church.
Project Information
Client: St. Mary's PCC
Listing: Grade II*
Location: Worcestershire
Diocese: Diocese of Worcester
Scope: Quinquennial Inspecting Architect
Status: Complete

The church is an excellent example of 17th century brickwork which gives rise to its grade II* listed status.
KODAs conservation architect, Fred Hamer said "Its a pleasure to have the role of inspecting Architect for such a lovely building as St. Mary's. I am an inspecting Architect in the Diocese of Worcester and with such veriety of buildings to work on in the Diocese it always keeps you on your toes"
As with many other churches across the country, congregations are facing increasing repair costs against ever dwindling congregation numbers. KODA architects are specialists in working with PCCs in carefully adapting church buildings, diversifying their revenue income and managing change to these important buildaings. Take a look at out Church reordering page for more information on our process.