The provision of thousands of new homes is still in limbo – help lift the Moratorium on new homes in Herefordshire.
Since the middle of last year there has been a moratorium on the majority of new housing developments gaining planning approval in the River Lugg catchment in Herefordshire. An area that covers most of the north of the County.
In brief Natural England have found that phosphate levels in the river are above acceptable limits. Therefore Herefordshire Council are unable to approve new housing development or planning applications that may increase levels of phosphate entering the watercourse. Phosphate pollution can be caused by the run off from digest fertilisers being spread on fields, sewage treatment works and package sewage treatment plants. High levels of phosphates have a harmful effect on the ecology of the Lugg and Wye which have Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) designations.
More detailed information can be found on Herefordshire Councils website.
As well as a reduction in new homes being built this has had a disastrous effect on the construction industry across Herefordshire. Faced with no route to a timely resolution a number of local planning agents and construction professionals set up the Herefordshire Construction Industry Lobby Group (HCILG) to represent our industry and force a resolution. Members of the group have dedicated a great deal of time and effort pooling their expertise. A funding page has been set up to pay for the appointment of a Specialist Barrister to challenge the ruling. Incredibly since being set up at the end of January over £13,000.00 has been raised to date – just short of the £15,000.00 target to cover the legal fees. If you are affected by the moratorium or wish to support by making a donation please do so on the gofundme page to help reach the target and assist in lifting the moratorium.